奧城日誌Day 13-Raymond Felton-那座「老將的橋樑」。

當雷霆隊首席替補控衛Dennis Schroder在拓荒者戰中因小孩出生而缺席比賽時,老將控衛Raymond Felton臨危受命,單場拿下15分協助雷霆隊戰勝前來踢館的拓荒者隊,而在賽後當記者問到Westbrook對於Felton的表現吃不吃驚,他回答道:「這並不讓我感到驚訝,我為他的表現感到非常高興,因為我看到他每天都在努力訓練以克服不能上場的困境,我知道這很難做到。」

“It didn’t surprise me,” Westbrook said after the game. “I’m just extremely happy for him because I see him putting the work in every day, the struggle of not playing, and I know that’s tough to do.”

當雷霆隊正式透過Carmelo Anthony的交易案,拿下了老鷹度的先發控球後衛Dennis Schroder之後,便注定了Felton原本預定的角色定位將會有所動搖。而確實,這名去年在例行賽全勤出戰82場的老將,本季到目前為止只上場了18次。這對於一個已經在NBA穩定征戰14年的34歲老將,很明顯不是一件能夠快速適應的事情:「如果我說不想上場,那都是騙小孩的,這很艱難,也很令人難過。但於此同時,我知道我需要扮演的角色是甚麼。」


Felton一直以來都有和雷霆隊總管Sam Presti進行交流,而這也讓他更能去適應它在球隊的新角色-也就是作為球隊的更衣室領袖,這或許不是Felton最想做的,但他卻十分擅長也很樂意做這項工作,甚至到了到現在,他已經從中獲得了一些樂趣。「這賽季我一直坐在板凳上,且這是我第一次在職業生涯面臨這種情況時,我的隊友們在這個過程中真的給了我很大的幫助,並常常鼓勵我說,『我們需要你,所以請你隨時隨地做好準備。』」

“These guys have really helped me to be even more professional,” Felton said. “Even with going through the situation of not playing, and the first time in my career that’s ever happened, those guys have really been a great help to keep me encouraged and say, ‘Look man, we’re going to need you. So stay ready.’”



When forward Jerami Grant started the night 0-for-5 from the field in the Thunder’s 117-112 win over the Rockets last week, Felton pulled him aside.I told him to stick with it no matter what,” Felton said. “’We need you.’”Grant made three of his four shots in the second half.

“He’s been big on the bench,” Thunder center Nerlens Noel said, “talking to guys, talking to guys on the court especially. Giving tips, even after timeouts he’s giving you that extra word that you need, one thing you might be a little slow on, a little too fast on.”
